Chiropractic Testimonials

Brenda M. from Canada


Chiropractor Pawleys Island SC Neil Fico With Ann Bessant Testimonial

"I learned about your Institute through TV commercials. When I first started 18 weeks ago, I could barely walk, was in continual pain, and rarely slept through the night. At this point, almost all the pain is gone, I can sleep through the night and can walk almost at a normal pace! Thank you."

- Anne B.


Chiropractor Pawleys Island SC Neil Fico Louie Testimonial

"I had heard about Strand Spine Institute through a friend. Spinal Decompression Therapy along with Chiropractic Care and in home exercise made a world of difference in my life! When I first came to Dr. Fico I could barely walk, let alone sit for long periods of time. Since my first visit, until now, I've been able to do the things I love, (walking long distances, golf) with very little discomfort. The staff was so wonderful and helpful throughout my treatment! Thanks for getting my life back!"

- Louie P.


Chiropractic Pawleys Island SC Painting

"I was directed to Dr. Fico by Dr. Parker at OrthoSC who had been treating me for about 4 months without improvement. Dr Fico and his staff helped improve my condition to comfort. I live alone and the treatments provided by Strand Spine Institute have made it more comfortable for me to perform my duties and also allow me to get back to painting pictures on a regular schedule and I sleep better."

- George B.


Chiropractor Pawleys Island SC Neil Fico Caroline Testimonial

"I have a nearly 30-year history of back problems, so finding a professional and caring chiropractor when I moved to the area one year ago was very important to me. The staff at Spine Strand Institute is knowledgeable, kind and always welcoming. It’s been a blessing coming to SSI, especially in the past few months as I trained for my first Half Ironman Triathlon. Dr. Fico helped me overcome a training injury and also gave me guidance along the way just as a coach would. He helped me understand how to better take care of my body while in training and how to keep it strong. Thanks to Dr. Fico’s professional care and knowledge I got to the race injury-free, and I’m happy to say that I successfully completed 70.3 miles of swimming, biking and running that day!"

- Caroline


Chiropractor Pawleys Island SC Neil Fico Sondra Testimonial

"I walked in with neck pain at a 7-8 on the pain scale. Dr. Fico worked me up with scans, x-rays and an examination and developed a treatment plan. I walked out two months later with a pain level of 2-3. Very happy me. I continue to go see Dr. Fico for regular treatments to stay well. Kristy, their nutritionist took me under her belt and provided me with natural remedies for my pain, anxiety, depression and stomach issues. I did a 10 day cleanse with guidance - Worth it! The staff is so very kind, compassionate and caring. I felt like I was going to see friends that cared about my entire well-being and health, not just my neck. Forever grateful!"

- Sondra

Chiropractor Pawleys Island SC Neil Fico With Diane Nassif Testimonial"I was experiencing bilateral hip pain, low back pain and Sciatica pain for quite some time. Lumbar decompression was recommended along with modalities and I agreed. Slowly the hip pain disappeared, sciatica was next and my lumbar pain is intermittent but it is nowhere near the level it was when I first came in. I am able to walk without difficulties and sit for long periods of time without flair-ups in my hips or sciatica pain. I no longer wake up in the middle of the night with hip pain. I used to toss and turn almost every hour. I have a decent amount of degenerative disease in my low back and I know it will not feel the way it did when I was in my twenties but because of the spinal decompression my back feels 80% better than it did before. Now I am moving on to stabilizing my core muscles to keep my back from returning to the state it was in before I started treatment with Dr. Fico something I could not do before spinal decompression without a severe flare-up."

- Diane N.

Chiropractor Pawleys Island SC Neil Fico With Tammie Pottspic Testimonial"After 15 years plus of back pain, two epidurals, and limited activity, I decided to get to the root of the problem instead of masking it. X-rays revealed two degenerative discs in my lower back, arthritis, and an old hip fracture along with a fractured tailbone. Decompression, icing, manual adjustments, and K-laser treatments were recommended. After 18 treatments of each, foot pain, ankle pain, knee, and hip pain have subsided. Treatments created a little soreness afterwards lasting 24-48 hours but tolerable without meds. Dr. Fico and his staff were professional, and attentive, and explained the hows and whys of treatment. Basically, Dr. Fico had to "break down" the problems and then rebuild - a back brace was essential for stability. I am excited to be about 70% improved with another couple of months of healing while on a maintenance schedule. After abusing my back with a lot of running, weight lifting, and just continuing in pain over the years, I look forward to another 20-25% improvement. Thanks to everyone, Dr. Fico and staff!"

- Tammie P.

Chiropractor Pawleys Island SC Neil Fico Roger Testimonial"Dr. Fico was referred to me by Dr. Waters an Orthopedic Surgeon. I have also been evaluated by Nero Surgeons with no hope short of surgery. I was in constant lower back pain, unable to stand or walk without the help of a cane. Dr. Fico and his very professional staff treated my wife and I like family.

Using the Spinal Decompression machine and spinal manipulation my compromised spine with two bulging discs, birth defects, began to heal. In only eighteen treatments I can now enjoy shopping for hours, travel in a car, vacation, and do normal house hold responsibilities without pain or limitations. I recommend the Strand Spine Institute to anyone that wishes to regain and maintain a healthy, happy life."

- Roger

Chiropractor Pawleys Island SC Neil Fico Billy Testimonial"I was worse off than I thought and we talked about a long term plan rather than the quick fix I was used to. After recommending the DRX9000 for treating my neck and back problems, I was on board. But I have to admit, I didn’t have the highest hopes. My skepticism disappeared when we saw the x-rays of my spine after I had finished my treatments. The space that was missing between my lower discs from the initial X-ray was now back significantly. Having a multitude of tools at his disposal like K-Laser treatment definitely helped in my recovery."

- Billy Z.

"Three years ago I came to Strand Spine Institute because I could not sit for any period of time without pain in my sciatic nerve. I had never been to a chiropractor but did not want to take drugs so I gave the chiropractor option a try. After taking a set of x-rays and discussing my lifestyle, Dr. Fico came up with a treatment plan which included Spinal Decompression, chiropractic adjustments every couple of days and ice daily. After a few weeks of this treatment, my sciatica had greatly improved and sitting for a period of time was no longer an issue. I did not want this to happen again so we discussed on-going treatment as well as wellness. I have continued monthly with Spinal Decompression, Chiropractic Adjustments and an occasional K-Laser treatment.

I have added probiotics to my supplements and changed to the Metagenics Wellness Essentials. All of these plus workouts with my personal trainer at the gym have greatly improved my back as well as my knees. The staff at Strand Spine Institute has been such a blessing in my well-being and even though I am 67 I feel like I am younger than that and able to do so much. Wish it would improve my golf game!!"

- Mary J.

Chiropractic Pawleys Island SC Jonathan Testimonial"I was afraid that the severity of my lower back injury would cause me to miss my trip. Every aspect of your practice made me more and more at ease that I would be able to make my trip. As a business owner and service provider, I certainly appreciate the professional, timely, well planned out approach Strand Spine Institute took in getting back to being pain free. I feel stronger, sleep better, have a higher energy level, and mentally have returned to where I was pre-injury. I look forward to continued visits with you all, and will enthusiastically recommend you moving forward."

- Jonathan A.

"Twice in the past month I have been disabled by a bad lower back condition when facing an upcoming important golf event. I could not even swing a golf club! Both time I sought the help of Dr. Fico and his team and the results were dramatic. In both cases I had an adjustment first, followed by electronic stimulation, and then and K-Laser treatment. Each time, I was able to play golf the next day and try to do so pain free! I can't say enough about the competence and effectiveness of the treatments at the Strand Spine Institute. It Works!"

- Chris B.

Chiropractor Pawleys Island SC Neil Fico Richard Testimonial"My name is Richard and I am a 64 year old male that has suffered from low back pain and radiating numbness for several years. This was caused by damage to my low back several times throughout my life. I was recommended to try Strand Spine Institute and the Spinal Decompression Therapy. I have completed this process several months ago and waited to write any testimonials as I wished to confirm the results were somewhat permanent.

I am very pleased to state that I have never had the freedom from pain that I now experience in the last 10 years of my life. The process for those who are good candidates can be life changing. I am now back in the gym 3 days a week and can walk further and climb stairs without any pain what so ever. It is truly remarkable. I go for regular Chiropractic adjustments every over week. This has maintained my pain free state.

Additionally, I have participated in the Nutrition Program and Assessment through using the 10 day cleanse program. It helped me lose 15 pounds and decreased my sinus issues. Unfortunately, I went back to my old eating habits and gained back 6 of the 10 pounds I lost. I have just participated in the 10 Day Cleanse Program again and lost those 6 pounds again. I am trying to more closely monitor my food intake.

Overall, I would say you can regain your desired lifestyle with the assistance of Strand Spine Institute to the degree you want to work with them to achieve your goals. Nothing is free and it will certainly take some effort on your part. However, with their assistance you can achieve remarkably results; if you work at it."

- Richard

Chiropractic Pawleys Island SC Dawn Testimonial"I have been a patient of Dr. Fico’s for over 10 years. I have always been very happy with the care that I receive. This summer, my husband and I were invited to ride our motorcycles to Sturgis, SD for the 75th Rally. I was a bit apprehensive about it. I have been feeling great due to my monthly adjustments and I thought that the long ride would be too much for my back and hips. I am happy to say that due to my wellness care at Strand Spine Institute I did not have one problem with my hips or back. When I returned home and went in for my regular scheduled adjustment Dr. Fico was pleased to know how well my adjustment went and my body’s ability to adapt to my days on the road."

- Dawn

Chiropractor Pawleys Island SC Neil Fico Couple Testimonial"We have been receiving chiropractic care for the past twenty-four years. When we moved from Maryland to Murrells Inlet, SC in 2010, it was a priority for us to locate a reputable chiropractor. We heard about Strand Spine Institute and decided to give it a try. After our first visit to Dr. Fico we knew we made the right choice. We found Dr. Fico and his staff to be knowledgeable, caring and extremely friendly. Over the past five years they have become like an extended family to us and we always look forward to seeing them each month when we go for our adjustments.

Chiropractic care has been part of our lifestyle. We have become very conscience of our well-being and have experienced how such care has helped us live a more active life particularly as we get older. We are convinced regular chiropractic care has not only helped to keep our bodies in good condition but also our minds and energy level. We have both been motivated by such care to get involved in other mind and body activities such as Tai Chi, painting, walking, Bible study, travel and helping those in need. Likewise we find ourselves eating healthier and enjoying life even more. Through Dr. Fico and his staff’s expertise, encouragement and overall wellness knowledge, we feel our lives have been enriched and given us a continued positive outlook on living."

Chiropractor Pawleys Island SC Neil Fico Patient Testimonial"As a dentist I began to have lower back and neck problems. I consulted an orthopedist and found they could not help. I have found chiropractic care relieves my symptoms and has improved my daily routine. I have been seeing Dr. Fico for 11 plus years and am grateful for his help, especially for neck decompression treatment. I return monthly for follow-up visits to keep my spine in check. If it wasn't for chiropractic I would be in constant pain. Thank you D. Fico and your staff for all of your help!"

"After a long career where I spent the majority of my work time leaning over my desk reading reports or conducting research on a computer, I developed a constant throbbing pain in my neck. My primary care physician prescribed pain medication, which I would take sparingly, as I was not able to function properly with the side effects.

One weekend while on vacation, I could no longer tolerate the constant pain and decided to contact the Strand Spine Institute. Robin was able to set up an appointment the next day. That was in December of 2013, and I remain a patient today.

Chiropractic treatments under Dr. Fico not only relieved the pain in my neck, as an added bonus they ended my chronic sinus infections. Dr. Fico explained how interconnected the nervous system is and how an out-of-position spine contributes to other ailments. Based on the results achieved under Dr. Fico’s care, I can say I am now a true believer of chiropractic care. Dr. Fico has a wonderful, welcoming staff and when I leave his office after an adjustment I am ready to take on anything.

I am now on a monthly maintenance schedule and, coupled with regular exercise, can honestly say my life has improved substantially under Dr. Fico’s care. I would certainly recommend chiropractic care to anyone dealing with chronic pain problems, and definitely recommend Strand Spine Institute be your first contact.”

- Betty K.

Chiropractor Pawleys Island SC Neil Fico Karen Testimonial“Going to see Dr. Fico was one of the best decisions I have ever made!

Dr. Fico is not only interested in your physical well-being but also in your emotional well-being. Kristy is there to take care of your nutritional needs with her extensive knowledge of natural supplements. Dr. Fico and his staff were a great help to me in regaining my strength and energy after major surgery. The whole atmosphere is not just one of compassion but joy for life and wellness. As a result of regular adjustments and encouraging words from all, I feel like my life is back in balance again.”

- Karen H., Practice Member since 2007

Chiropractor Pawleys Island SC Neil Fico Lou Testimonial“I have and continue to have an excellent experience with Dr. Fico and his staff. Everyone is so attentive and caring, but most important is the fact that my back pain has diminished tremendously. I recommend anyone with severe back pain to visit Dr. Fico for a consultation.”

- Lou C., Practice Member since 2014

Chiropractor Pawleys Island SC Neil Fico Tommy Testimonial"My experience at Strand Spine Institute has been nothing short of a miracle. After years of agonizing pain throughout my shoulders, neck and back I am thrilled to be pain free. I played sports growing up and for many years of my adult life.

Frustrated and miserable, I gave SSI a call. I figured I had nothing to lose. I had tried chiropractic care before, but to no avail. As soon as Robin answered the phone I knew this would be different. After the first few visits I was starting to feel some improvement and that is when Dr. Fico said I was a prime candidate for something called decompression… that is when the real changes started taking place. I even think I grew taller throughout the process.

Now, months later I have my life back. I am surfing again and enjoying the activities that I had given up on. Before decompression I couldn't turn my head to either side but now I am enjoying complete mobility.

As a matter of fact, at 43 years of age, I just won my first surf contest ever. The look on my son's face when the announcer said I won was priceless. That is why I continue with regular treatments. I never want to go back to being a spectator again. I am a participant! Thank you Strand Spine Institute."

- Tommy G.
Practice Member since 1999

Chiropractor Pawleys Island SC Neil Fico Charles Testimonial"I started coming to Strand Spine Institute in 2007. I was having so much back pain that I could hardly walk. Dr. Fico explained I had a health problem not a back pain & started me on a wellness program that over the next several weeks gave me relief from the pain.

I now go in for my regular adjustments which help me with my spine and also my balance. I am now able to go to the gym every day and walk at least 1 mile with no discomfort! I enjoy coming in the office because they treat me like family, not just as a patient. The entire staff seems so happy working together to give the best service they can for anyone who comes in their door."

- Charles K., 92 years young
Practice Member since 2007

Chiropractor Pawleys Island SC Neil Fico Annie Testimonial"When I first came to Strand Spine Institute in 2003 I was truly desperate. I suffered from constant low back pain and the muscles around my shoulder were so tight I could not get relief.

Today, my back and shoulder issues are so much improved. I know I can manage my condition with regular chiropractic adjustments and exercise and I will reap the rewards for the rest of my life.

In addition to the physical benefits, I have received a valuable education on how my body works and how to become healthier through the WELLNESS lifestyle."

- Annie H.
Practice Member since 2003

Chiropractor Pawleys Island SC Neil Fico Mary Jane Testimonial"When I first came to Strand Spine Institute in April 2013, I was in a tremendous amount of pain and barely walking. After my very first visit with Dr. Fico, I felt a great sense of relief. Since that first visit until today, my life has been completely changed. Pain is no longer the very first thing that I think about every day. I am no longer plagued with the constant fatigue of fighting the pain 24/7 nor have I had to rely on pain medication to get me through the day.

Starting a wellness program was the best thing that I could have done for myself. All of the staff at the Strand Spine Institute has such a positive attitude that transcends to patients in helping the healing process. When you are feeling down and in pain, it is a wonderful thing to be around such a cheerful and caring group of people.

I would highly recommend anyone to try chiropractic and get off the merry go round of pills that just mask the problem. I am very grateful to these folks for showing me what can be done with hard work and an open mind."

- Mary Jane P.
Practice Member since April 2013

Chiropractor Pawleys Island SC Neil Fico Connie Testimonial"Dr. Fico has helped me manage my back pain. He has taught me to be proactive with my overall health.

He answers my questions with thoughtful, informative responses. Dr. Fico is a first-rate physician and receives my highest recommendation."

- Connie G.
Practice Member since 2000

Chiropractor Pawleys Island SC Neil Fico Ellis Testimonial"The combination of treatment and guidance from Dr. Fico has drastically improved my quality of life. I highly recommend Dr. Fico and his staff!"

- Ellis O.
Practice Member since 2013

Chiropractic Pawleys Island SC Rod Testimonial"I was playing golf one afternoon when I suddenly experienced very strong back spasms. Time passed and the spasms and back pain would not go away. I tried cortisone shots, two of them. And they helped but only for a short period of time. My doctor and a neighbor of mine recommended that I see Dr. Fico at Strand Spine Institute. The treatment had me completely free of back spasms and relatively pain free. They really care about you."

- Rod T.


8:00am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 1:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Strand Spine Institute

12465 Ocean Hwy
Pawleys Island, SC 29585

(843) 979-2273